How to apply for a Basic Degree program: CTS, MDiv, MPS, and MTS

Interested in applying for a Basic Degree program (CTS, MDiv, MPS, and MTS) at Knox College?

Begin by consulting the application requirements listed and summarized below.

Before applying, also be sure to consult the Admission Requirements for your specific degree program of interest.

Application Requirements:

    • Online Application Form
    • Statement of Intent (approximately 500 words)
    • Professional Resume/CV
    • Student Information Form
    • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions you have attended
    • Two reference letters

      • One Academic or Employment reference
      • One Pastoral reference
    • English Proficiency (if applicable)
    • E&R letter (if applicable; see MDiv Admissions Requirements)
    • Additional documents may be submitted as needed (such as a supplementary letter to the Admissions Committee, additional reference letters, etc.)
    • Video interview: applicants will be contacted to schedule a video interview

BD Transfers and New Program Applications for TST Students: If you are or were a TST student applying to move to Knox and complete your existing BD program or looking to take a new BD program, references are required. Such academic reference in this instance should normally be from the BD Program Director of the current or last TST college attended by the applicant.

Please request official transcripts from your previous school(s) as soon as possible, as domestic transcripts often take at least 2-3 weeks to arrive. International transcripts sent via regular post can take several months to arrive. When Knox College receives all of your application documents, you will receive a notification by email.


Application deadlines (all programs begin in Fall Term)

Application deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year are closed. All interested applicants are encouraged to connect with Knox College Admissions to prepare for the next admissions cycle.

For international applicants:

For all Basic Degree programs: January 30, to provide time for Study Permit applications ahead of a Fall start 

For domestic applicants (Canadian citizens or permanent residents): 

For the Master of Psychospiritual Studies (MPS) program: April 15

For the Certificate in Theological Studies (CTS), Master of Divinity (MDiv), and Master of Theological Studies (MTS) programs: May 15

NEW DEADLINE! For Domestic applicants who hold a letter from the Presbyterian Church in Canada’s (PCC) Committee on Education and Reception (E&R) detailing a required course of study in order to meet PCC ministry candidacy requirements: June 5 

Please note that an E&R letter remains a recommendation for study until it is approved by the PCC General Assembly at their annual June meeting.   

NOTE: Applicants approved for a course of study by PCC’s E&R will be consider for admission to the Certificate in Theological Studies (Focus: Presbyterian Leadership Studies)

After each deadline, the Admissions Committee reviews all completed applications. Three to four weeks later, applicants receive a letter (by email) regarding the result of their application. Incomplete applications cannot be considered by the Admissions Committee.

Feel free to reach out to our Admissions Counsellor and Recruitment Coordinator and ask questions about the application process, tuition, financial aid, and more.

Knox College is pleased to offer the Master of Divinity Fellowship each year for up to two entering MDiv students who are certified PCC candidates for ministry. Each fellowship recipient receives $27,000 per annum for six semesters over three years to allow full attention to studies.

Stipend Structure:

Year of Program Study Stipend Amount
Year 1 $27,000
Year 2 $27,000
Year 3 $27,000
Stipend Total *$81,000

* This total is subject to the recipient meeting the terms and conditions.

Eligibility Requirements:

-Students must be certified PCC candidates for ministry

-The funding requires students to register full-time in fall and winter term (6 semesters)

-Recipients must devote full attention to studies

-Students are required to agree to work for 10 hours or less per week during the fall and winter terms

-Fellowship recipients may find full-time summer employment and do not have to enrol in the summer term. Students are not required to take courses during the summer term. Therefore, any courses taken in summer term are not eligible for tuition remission.

-Through Year 1 and Year 2 students must achieve academic progress with the successful completion of ten courses in each year and be on track for timely degree completion in three academic years

-Should a fellowship recipient not meet academic success and progress through the MDiv program as outlined, the fellowship will not be renewed for the subsequent academic year(s). A student may petition for an exception if there is compelling extenuating circumstances to the Academic Dean.

-If a recipient is granted a Leave of Absence, the fellowship funds will not be disbursed for the duration of the leave. The funding period will be extended by the length of the leave, the student is eligible for six semesters of fellowship funding during their degree provided the conditions are met. All applicants to the MDiv program at Knox College who are certified candidates for ministry with the PCC will be considered. Application to the MDiv program must be made to Knox College’s Basic Degree Program Application. Only complete applications will be considered for eligibility at the time of admission. Fellowship recipients will be notified by Knox College directly following an Offer of Admission.

How to apply for a Graduate Degree program: MA, ThM, PhD, and DMin

graduate degree program

All Graduate Degrees are offered through the Toronto School of Theology (TST). To apply for a Graduate Degree (MA, ThM, PhD, and DMin), contact the Graduate Center for Theological Studies (GCTS) at the Toronto School of Theology. Applications, Admissions, and related deadlines are posted on the TST website.

Each year, up to two Knox College PhD Fellowships are offered to entering students. For 2024-2025, fellowships will be awarded to students admitted to any of the following areas of research:

· Historical theology, particularly Calvin, Barth, Vermighi

· Systematic theology in the Reformed tradition, including Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, Trinity, anthropology, sacraments, spirituality

· Canadian Presbyterian theology

· New Testament/Early Christianity, particularly the exploration of the interface between early Christianity, Hellenistic Judaism, Graeco-Roman religions, and their writings; socio-scientific and ideologically critical interpretation of the parables of the historical Jesus, anti-imperial interpretation of the New Testament

· Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, particularly historical geography of ancient Israel, Israelite religion, apocalyptic literature, Amos, 1-2 Chronicles, material philology

· Hermeneutics, particularly projects that explore the points of interaction between Christian scriptures and the Continental philosophical tradition, including Poststructuralism; literary and canonical approaches to interpretation; projects that explore marginalized hermeneutics of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament texts; postcolonial hermeneutics of New Testament texts

· Homiletics, particularly projects that explore the ethics of preaching and/or trauma-informed preaching

We encourage interested applicants with research projects to email with Knox Admissions to be connected with a potential fellowship supervisors.

Each fellowship recipient receives $40,000 per annum for four years under the following disbursement structure:

Year of Program Study Stipend Amount TA/RA Employment Amount

Year of Program Study Stipend Amount TA/RA Employment Amount
Year 1 $40,000 $0
Year 2 $30,000 $10,000
Year 3 $30,000 $10,000
Year 4 $30,000 $10,000
  Stipend Only Total $130,000 TA/RA Employment Total $30,000
Stipend and TA/RA Employment Total *$160,000


*This total is subject to the recipient meeting the terms and conditions. Should a recipient not accept a TA/RA employment, they would only receive the stipend only total amount.

Explanation of Stipend and Employment Structure:

Year 1: Fellowship recipient receives $40,000 stipend

Year 2, Year 3, and Year 4: Fellowship recipient receives $30,000 stipend and $10,000 through teaching or research assistant employment in both fall and winter terms. In the event a fellowship recipient declines work, they would only receive the $30,000 stipend.

Year 5 (if required): A fellowship recipient may apply for a final year scholarship that would offset the cost of domestic tuition for the year. They would also be eligible to apply for a TA/RA position at the current posting pay rate.

Any subsequent years of study require the student to apply for a TA/RA position at the current posting pay rate, but a position is not guaranteed.

Eligibility Requirements:

-The funding requires students to register full-time throughout the course of their program, including the summer term

-Recipients must devote full attention to studies

-Studies are required to agree to work for 10 hours or less per week (520 hours per year), including teaching or research assistantship work

-Recipients must achieve successful academic progress and be on track for timely program completion. Fellowship recipients must meet the timeline as laid out in Section C1.3 (“Time Frame”) of the TST Graduate Conjoint Degree Handbook. Should any of the following deadlines not be observed, funding will not be renewed in the subsequent academic year(s):

· Year 2 completion of coursework by January 1

· Year 3 completion of approved thesis prospectus by August 31

· Year 3 completion of general examinations and approved thesis proposal by August 31

-A student may petition for an exception if there is compelling extenuating circumstances to the Knox College Director of Graduate Studies

-If a recipient is granted a Leave of Absence, the fellowship funds will not be disbursed for the duration of the leave. The funding period will be extended by the length of the leave, the student is eligible for four years of fellowship funding during their degree provided the conditions are met All applicants to the PhD program at Knox College who propose projects in the areas of research study listed will be considered. Application to the PhD program must be made through the Toronto School of Theology, with “Knox College” selected as the home college. Only complete applications will be considered for eligibility at the time of admission. Fellowship recipients will be notified by Knox College directly following an Offer of Admission.


Contact GCTS at for more information and assistance.

Before applying, be sure to consult the Admission Requirements for your degree program of interest.

Feel free to reach out to our Admissions Counsellor and Recruitment Coordinator
and ask questions about the application process, tuition, financial aid, and more.