Knox College recognizes the importance of personal privacy to all individuals and is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information that it holds. We value the trust of those we deal with and of the public, and recognize that maintaining this trust requires that we be transparent and accountable in how we treat the information that people share with us. We strive to collect only personal information that is directly related to, and needed for, operating our programs and activities. Personal information will be carefully protected and used, maintained, disclosed and disposed of in accordance with applicable legislation, policies, agreements, and best practices.
Some key areas of privacy protection are:
As a church-related organization, Knox College is not bound by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA, 2006, Government of Ontario) but in respect for our academic relationships within the University of Toronto, we strive to maintain consistent standards of privacy.
Definition of Personal Information
Personal information is any information that can be used to distinguish, identify or contact a specific individual. This information can include an individual’s opinions or beliefs as well as facts about, or related to, the individual. Exceptions to personal information include business contact information and information about individuals’ actions in a business or professional capacity, which are not considered personal information.
For example, business contact information that an individual provides will not be treated as personal information, even if it is also the individual’s home contact information.
Privacy practices
Personal information is gathered by Knox College for educational, administrative development, student life and statistical purposes and is treated as confidential. Our personnel are authorized to access personal information based only on their need to deal with the information for the reason(s) for which it was obtained. Safeguards are in place to ensure that the information is not disclosed or shared more widely than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered. We also take measures to ensure the integrity of this information is maintained.
We collect, use and disclose personal information only for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in light of the circumstances, having read our notices of collection. We routinely offer individuals we deal with the opportunity to opt not to have their information shared for purposes beyond those for which it was explicitly collected.
Website and Electronic Commerce
We use password protocols and encryption software to protect personal and other information, for example, when we receive a donation or course payment is made online.
Updating of Privacy policy
We regularly review and update privacy practices for activities at Knox that involve personal information.
Contact Information
Questions, concerns or complaints relating to the College’s privacy policy on the treatment of personal information should be emailed to attn: Privacy Officer or by writing Knox College 59 St. George St., Toronto, ON M5S 2E6 attn: Privacy Officer