Kenrick Keshwah passes away; Knox College expresses condolences

Kenrick Keshwah passes away; Knox College expresses condolences
Reverend Kenrick Keshwah was born on July 2, 1922, in Trinidad and Tobago and passed away on September 26, 2020, in Scarborough, Ontario, at the...
November 4 special event: Written by the finger of God

November 4 special event: Written by the finger of God
Knox College graduate degree history students present Written by the Finger of God: Reflections on Religion, Cultural History, and the History of the Book...
Thomas Vais passes away; Knox College expresses condolences

Thomas Vais passes away; Knox College expresses condolences
With deep sadness Knox College received the news that the Rev. Tom Vais died suddenly at home on Sunday, September 20, 2020. Tom was the...
Knox Faculty publish new book — People of Faith, People of Jeong (Qing): The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow

Knox Faculty publish new book — People of Faith, People of Jeong (Qing): The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow
People of Faith, People of Jeong (Qing) seeks to understand and reveal the current state and prospective future of Asian-Canadian immigrant churches (ACIC), including Chinese,...
William James Adamson passes away; Knox College expresses condolences

William James Adamson passes away; Knox College expresses condolences
Knox College is sad to announce the death of the Rev. Dr. William James Adamson on August 29, 2020. Dr. Adamson graduated from Knox College...
Congratulations to scholarship recipients!