Theological studies require skills in research and writing. Here you will find help for developing those skills, including finding good sources, citing sources, as well as subject specific research guides. If you need further help, please feel free to contact us in the library or by email at

Selected new books

Find a complete list of new books and eBooks here.

Explore our collections of picture books here.


Library help for research is available through  

View our location on Google maps.

2024 Fall

Caven Library is open weekdays from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

Reading Room

Following our summer closure and furniture refinishing, we are pleased to welcome you back to our renewed Reading Room.

The Reading Room at Caven Library is open to patrons from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.



Statutory holidays:

Monday February 17th – Family Day

Friday April 18th – Good Friday

Library Resources: Search the U of T Libraries

Name of Database

Databases & Catalogue

Knox College/TST students have full access to the University of Toronto Libraries (UTL) resources, print and electronic. UTL subscribes to a wide range of electronic databases containing newspapers, magazines, journals, and books.

Online Catalogue: search for books, specific journal titles (not articles), media.

Databases: use databases to find articles and citations on your topic. Sign in with your UTORid when off campus.

Below are select databases that are helpful when researching in the areas of theology, Christianity, and related subjects.

If you can’t find what you need and would like some personal assistance, please feel free to email the library at with your question or to book an appointment with a librarian. You can also stop by the library and ask us for help anytime we are open

Library Services

In this section, find the basics about using Caven Library, and more about the services it provides — including info on photocopying, wifi, computer access, and where to find the special items your professor put on reserve for your class. How do you get a library card? How long can you keep books before they’re due? What are the fees for overdue books?

Library Services


Writing & Citing

Here, you’ll find resources for writing well and properly citing your sources.

Alumni Services

Access and Borrowing Privileges

Caven Library also provides services to Knox Alumni and PCC ministers and diaconal ministers. There are several types of library membership cards that are available. A Knox College Card may be obtained at the Circulation Services Desk for Knox alumni, PCC ministers, diaconal ministers, and lay leaders. Other cards can be obtained at the Reader Registration Desk on the first floor of the Robarts Library.


Membership Coverage

*This membership does not provide remote access to online resources. Ask the Circulation staff for guest access to use the computer terminals.

*Caven Library will mail books to alumni anywhere in Canada.

The Research Reader, the Alumni Reader, and the Alumni Research Reader cards do not allow access to online resources.

Membership Rates

Renewing Items

Please email or call the library to renew your items.

Online Databases Available to Alumni

Alumni may use the Library’s electronic resources while in the Caven Library, but due to contractual limitations, they do not have remote access.

Knox College alumni do, however, have access to Atla for Alumni, an online collection of hundreds of major religion and theology journals. Caven Library subscribes to this collection on behalf of of our alumni and makes it available at no cost to you.

The journals in this collection have been selected by leading religion scholars and theologians. Through this platform, users can research the history of a topic from as early as 1924 to the present in more than 210,000 articles and book reviews. Available titles include such journals as Christian Century, Interpretation, Journal of Biblical Literature, Sociology of Religion, Theological Studies, and Worship. A full listing of journals is available at Atlas.

Access to the collection is available through a password-protected site. To obtain the password, please send an email to Request for Atlas Access to Please provide your full name, the degree obtained, and year you graduated. When the request is received, an account name and password will be sent back to you via e-mail.

In addition to the Atla service, a number of free web resources are available to alumni here, including:

Bible Odyssey

Directory of Open Access Books

Directory of Open Access Journals

Annotated Links to Websites on Religion and Theology

Religious Studies Web Guide

Virtual Religion Index

Voice of the Shuttle

Religious Worlds

Also, for those leading worship: Preaching and Worship LibGuide 

Contact Us

We are happy to help you with your information needs. Please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or in person at the library.

Reader Services

Tel. (416) 978-4504

Director of Library Services

Joan Pries
Tel. (416) 978-6090

Cataloguer/Technical Services

Anne McGillivray
Tel. (416) 978-6719

McKay Resource Centre Coordinator

Laura Alary
Tel. (416) 978-4504