Message to the community about demonstration at Queen’s Park today

Message to the community about demonstration at Queen’s Park today
Knox College stands in solidarity with 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff, faculty, and other individuals. We denounce expressions of hate, discrimination, and harassment, including the anti-trans and...
New Faculty book — Unsettling Worship: Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities

New Faculty book — Unsettling Worship: Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities
Sarah Travis, Assistant Professor of Preaching, Worship, and Christian Ministry at Knox College, has written Unsettling Worship: Reforming Liturgy for Right Relations with Indigenous Communities....
Knox College announces new Manager of Advancement & Alumni Relations

Knox College announces new Manager of Advancement & Alumni Relations
Knox College is pleased to announce the appointment of Jennilee Psarologos as Manager of Advancement & Alumni Relations at Knox College, effective September 1, 2023....
Rekindling hope: making meaning in the face of suffering

Rekindling hope: making meaning in the face of suffering
This article appears in Vocations magazine, Summer 2023. Read this article in the magazine online or download the PDF. To subscribe, click here. By Vanessa Paterino “When we...
Transition & discernment: the role of interim moderators

Transition & discernment: the role of interim moderators
This article appears in Vocations magazine, Summer 2023. Read this article in the magazine online or download the PDF. To subscribe, click here. When a Presbyterian Church in Canada...
Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology and Intercultural Counselling appointed