John Vissers receives Reid Trust grant
The Rev. Dr. John Vissers, Professor of Historical Theology at Knox College, has been awarded $5,000 CDN from the Priscilla and Stanford Reid Trust for Reformed and Presbyterian Theological Education in Canada.
This grant will support Dr. Vissers’ sabbatical research project on Calvin and the Reformed tradition — at the H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies at Calvin University (Grand Rapids, Michigan) in April 2024, and the Aberdeen Centre for Protestant Theology at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) in May 2024. Professor Vissers has been invited to present a paper on the initial results of his research at a conference at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome in June 2024. He anticipates that this research project will result in two academic articles and one popular article in the shorter term (2024 – 2025), and a monograph in the longer term (2025 – 2027). He is currently on sabbatical leave from Knox College and will return to full-time teaching in August 2024.
In 2004, Dr. Vissers received a grant from the Priscilla and Stanford Reid Trust to support his sabbatical research leave from The Presbyterian College, Montreal. That research resulted in his book, The Neo-Orthodox Theology of W.W. Bryden (Princeton Theological Monograph Series, Pickwick Press, 2006; James Clarke and Company, London, 2011).
Provisions in the wills of the late Dr. W. Stanford Reid and his wife Priscilla established a substantial trust fund “for the support of Reformed and Presbyterian theological education in Canada.” Both Priscilla and Stanford Reid were children of the manse and lifelong members of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. More info at