August 21, 2020
Congratulations to scholarship recipients!
Congratulations to Knox College students awarded special scholarships for the 2020-2021 academic year:
The Reid Trust has awarded a scholarship to Jonathan Cleland, doctoral student. The Reid Trust assists candidates who are working in the Reformed tradition and are looking to make a contribution to the Church in Canada.
First Presbyterian Church in Brandon, Man., has awarded Candice Bahadoor and Christine Samuel, both MDiv students, the Jessie Duncan Scholarship. The Jessie Duncan Scholarship was created in memory of David and Jessie Duncan, early members of First Presbyterian, and generally provides assistance to theological students studying in one of the PCC’s three theological schools.

The United Church of Christ has awarded three scholarships to Cassandra Granados, doctoral student: 1) the 2020 Adrienne M. and Charles Shelby Rooks Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Theological Students; 2) the Make a Difference! Doctoral Studies Award 2020; and 3) the Harold Wilke Scholarship, which honours the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. Wilke, a devoted minister, disability advocate, and pioneer.