Stephen Farris receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Knox College is proud to announce that the Rev. Dr. Stephen Farris, Visiting Professor of Preaching at Knox College, received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Homiletics at its 2023 annual meeting, November 30 to December 2.
Dr. Christine Mitchell, Knox College’s Academic Dean, said, “I was delighted to see Dr. Farris recognized by his peers, and I am grateful that he has been sharing his gifts with our Ph.D. students for the past few years.”
Since 2018, Dr. Farris has served as Visiting Professor of Preaching and has supervised Knox Ph.D. students in Homiletics. He also served as Professor of Preaching and Worship at Knox College from 1986 to 2003.
Dr. Farris is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Union Theological Seminary (Virginia), and Cambridge University (England), from which he received his Ph.D. He is Dean Emeritus of St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver, and Professor Emeritus of Preaching of Vancouver School of Theology. In 2016 he retired as Dean of St. Andrew’s Hall and Professor of Homiletics at the Vancouver School of Theology.
Dr. Farris has served the church in many roles, including as Moderator of the 140th General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, as President of the Academy of Homiletics, and as a member of the Executive Committee of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.
Founded in 1965, the Academy of Homiletics brings together professors and teachers of homiletics to study the place of preaching in theological education, to discuss and share ideas and methods, and to foster scholarly research in homiletics and other related areas. Since 2001, the Academy of Homiletics has presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to deserving individuals, including previous Knox Principal (1992-1999) Arthur Van Seters in 2010.