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Photo of Dr. Ernest van Eck

Dr. Ernest van Eck

Principal and Professor of New Testament

Areas of graduate student supervision

  • Social-scientific criticism and ideological-critical reading of the parables of the historical Jesus
  • Hermeneutical approaches and methods
  • Historical Jesus studies
  • Synoptic gospels
  • Gender studies
  • Sexuality in the New Testament and earliest Christianity ancient texts
  • Paul
  • Post-colonial hermeneutics


Ernest van Eck joined the Knox College faculty as principal and professor of New Testament in 2022.

Professor van Eck (BA, BA [Hon], MA [Greek], BD, MDiv, DD) obtained all but the BA degree from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His two master’s degrees focused on different aspects of space used in secular and religious narratives. For his Doctor of Divinity degree, obtained in 1993, his thesis focused on a social-scientific interpretation of ideological/political use of space in the gospel of Mark.

He has authored 55 and co-authored 34 peer reviewed articles and 13 chapters in international publications; his latest monograph, focusing on parable research, is titled The parables of Jesus the Galilean: Stories of a social prophet. He has successfully supervised 39 master’s and 26 PhD students. Professor Van Eck is member of the New Testament Society of South Africa, the USA-based Context Group, Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, and the international Society of Biblical Literature. Professor van Eck has been the assistant-editor of HTS Teologiese/Theological Studies since 2021.


Recent publications

Van Eck, E., 2022, ‘Reading the text does matter: Texts as symbols of personal and social transformation’, in E-M. Becker, A. Standhartinger, F. Wilk & J. Herzer, Reading the New Testament in the manifold contexts of a globalized world: Exegetical perspectives, Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH + Co. KG, Tübingen [Forthcoming).

Mundenda, D. & Van Eck, E., 2021, ‘The parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge: A replica of the suffering of widows in Zimbabwe,’ Verbum et Ecclesia 42(1), a2244.

Ntem, G.S., & Van Eck, E, 2021, “An African Biblical interpretation of Matthew 20:1–15 in relation to social justice for workers in Cameroon,” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 7(1), 1-20. DOI:

Van Eck, E, 2021, “The land is ours, not yours: Land as life and end of life in the parables of the Galilean,” Stellenbosch Theological Journal 7(1), 1–22. DOI:

Van Eck, E., 2020, ‘A theology of marriage: A biblical or a cultural construct?’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 76(4), a6027.

Van Eck, E., 2019, ‘A realistic reading of the parable of the Lost Coin in Q: Gaining or losing even more?’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75(4), a5656.

Van Eck, E., 2019, ‘A Samaritan merchant and his friend, and their friends: Practicing life-giving theology,’ HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 75(1), a5499.

Van Eck, E., 2017, Realism and method: The parables of Jesus, Neotestamentica 51(2), 163-184.

Van Eck, E., 2016, The parables of Jesus the Galilean: Stories of a social prophet, Cascade Books, Eugene. (Matrix: The Bible in Mediterranean Context).