Asian Centre hosts Music Celebration of Thanksgiving
On Sunday, October 20, 2019, the Centre for Asian-Canadian Theology and Ministry at Knox College hosted a Music Celebration of Thanksgiving at Vaughan Community Church (Thornhill, Ont.) Choirs and churches from across the city joined in the event.
- Taiwanese Women’s Association Dance Group
- Knox College Choir
- Hanta Drum Team from Light Presbyterian Church
- York University Gospel Choir
- Trinity Mandarin Presbyterian Church
- Timothy Eaton Memorial Choir
As a part of its multicultural ministry program at the Centre for Asian-Canadian Theology and Ministry at Knox College, the Music Celebration of Thanksgiving was established as a unique way of gathering various churches and musical groups together to worship and give thanks together through music. The Asian Centre strives to create an understanding and awareness of multiculturalism through various activities as well as to minister to the community at large through workshops, special celebratory events and various venues for worship.
With our inaugural concert held at Knox Church on October 14, 1998, the music celebration has now reached out to several interdenominational choirs coming together to create a truly wondrous, multicultural musical experience. Music is a universal language and through performance participation, it can draw together people of all ages, cultures and interests. Our Music Celebration of Thanksgiving evokes a desire to strengthen our cultural heritage as well as providing a way to embrace intergenerational fellowship and harmony.